Now when different reforms are taking place in the field of Physical education in our society students are contributing at the International level, but the Centers for Higher Education are charging so heavily that the common person are getting no benefits of it.
The National Academy is helping many yoga enthusiasts to improve their life style through yoga classes, therapy classes for various ailments, teachers training programs, satsangs and other periodical activities. Through the news letter The National Yog Academy will be able to a reach wider audience.
Yoga is a conscious process of going back to one’s nature. Hence the Sanskrit term for health is “swastha” – being myself – and the term aswastha – not being myself – is used to define lack of health. To be healthy and happy is our very nature. Due to different reasons, we have gone away from our health. Our lack of being conscious of it results in this drift. Yoga is a wonderful answer to come back to our nature since yoga builds that awareness and consciousness towards health and happiness.
Yoga is a conscious process of going back to one’s nature. This concept of total personality nurturing and making life a celebration is the goal of yoga. The realization that we are not the body but the consciousness within, results in a clear discrimination and freedom to choose right things in life for self and for others. This way, yoga helps the individual move towards better harmony within and outside.
Modern society has a subtle misunderstanding that yoga is associated with a religion, a geographic area or a particular ethnic society. Hence there is an attempt to divorce yoga from its philosophy such as that given in Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Vasistha, Upanishads, etc. However, they belong to each other and yoga is essentially derived from its philosophy. At our satsangs, workshops and our Yoga Institution/Teaching courses, we particularly emphasize on this aspect.
At the end, I want to assure you, that being a member of the The National Yog Academy And Vocational Training Centre, you will get the best of the services and education.
Best of Luck!!
Chairman / Director
Mr.M. Khan